
I started my running career at the grand old age of 6. I told my Mother I wanted to run a 10k called the Stark Trek 10k after of course I had run the kids fun run but that just wasn't enough. That is when I began a full time running career according to my parents. From 6-14 I ran everything from 5ks to half marathons on a regular basis. I also competed and ran up Mt. Washington several times and I am pretty sure this is where my passion from mountain running comes from. While Mt. Washington does go up an auto road it really is half dirt and also climbs approximately 5,000 feet in 7.6 miles. I always seemed to maintain a good level of success at this race and while many were miserable I was having the time of my life. I ran my first marathon at the ripe old age of 14 which was the Clarance DeMar marathon in Keene, NH. I ran a respectable 3:31 all though I made a not so surprising rookie mistake and felt really good at mile 15 and tried to put the hammer down for the final 11 and of course blew up and staggered home. I continued running through the end of high school and always ran for the cross country team but over time my passion fizzled away to the point where college started and I stopped running for many years. Once college got done however I decided it was time to run another marathon and get myself back in shape. I ran the california international marathon and finished in around 3:39 and once again I started to rediscover the running bug. After CIM I decided to run the Big Sur Marathon. FInally I went and did one more and decided I could no longer run on the road ad it was time to get out in the mountains to see if I liked it better. Well that was about 3 years ago and I have since run several 50k's and two 50 milers. I am now more focused and possibly more fit then I have ever been and approaching my first attempt at the 100 mile distance. The rest is to be continued.

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